Find your kiss location on the map. You can use the yellow bar on the side to zoom, and use your mouse to click and drag the map around. When you find it, click the spot swiftly.
A form will open up. Use this to tell the world about your kiss in 500 characters or less. Give your story a sweet title, and choose a kiss “category” if you like. If the location isn’t quite right, just re-click it on the map below.
I was up visiting her for a weekend at school. A lot of the weekends we were spending up there started to blend together, but I always enjoyed waking up and taking the bus somewhere new with her. I think that weekend we went to go look for a street market that was open on Sundays. I packed to leave at 5 or so. It was a 2 ish hour drive. When we said goodbye, kissing and hugging, things felt different. Colder, almost A month later she texted saying we had to break up. I miss us bunny. Good luck!
The last kiss I recall I was up visiting her for a weekend at school. A lot of the weekends Read More...
First Kiss
It was November 20th, 2022. I was home from school, visiting her and family over a weekend. The day before we had seen a movie together, and when I drove her home we listened to Biggest Part of Me by Ambrosia. I walked her to the door and said my goodbyes, but I wanted to kiss her so bad there and then. The next day I went to her house, and finally did. I didn't hit the road for the 2 hour drive back to school until past 12. We kissed for hours
I still think of her whenever I hear Harvest Moon
First Kiss It was November 20th, 2022. I was home from school, visiting her and family over Read More...
The First.. of many
This was the day I kissed my best friend. I had thought about it before but I was scared. I didn't know how she felt.. this pushed those feelings away. Then shortly after we figured out we spend the rest of our lives together, my first and only kiss <3
The First.. of many This was the day I kissed my best friend. I had thought about it before Read More...